Round 1 Colt catches a leg kick from Cirino Guerrero, and puts him on the mat. Cirino Guerrero is pummeled by some well timed bombs from Colt. Cirino attempts a few a shots from the guard, but gets mounted for his troubles. Cirino Guerrero gets pummeled by the fists of Colt Green. Cirino Guerrero gives up his back in an attempt to escape, but doesn't quite make it. Colt peppers shot to the head of Cirino looking for an opening to apply a rear naked choke but Cirino is hand playing well. Cirino starts to wiggle out of back control, Colt lets him escape putting them both on their feet. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. The fighters jockey for position in the clinch. Colt Green grabs the plum and pulls Guerreros face towards a powerful knee which is blocked. Colt Green lets go of the hold and lands a hook. Colt parries Cirinos jab and lands a hook that floors Cirino. Colt stands over "Brown Pride", works his way through his open guard and lands some solid standing punches. "Brown Pride" is able to grab an arm and pull Colt into his guard. Round 1 is finished.
Round 2 Colt slips a cross from Cirino and lands jab cross to the body. Colt Green feints and follows up with a hard cross. "Brown Pride" stalks forward paws away with a couple jabs missing the mark. Colt Green connects with 1-2 jab hook combo and quickly steps away. The fighters circle each other. Colt feints and follows up with a hard cross. Cirino Guerrero stalks forward paws away with a couple jabs missing the mark. Colt connects with 1-2 jab hook combo and quickly steps away. Cirino ducks and weaves through a jab-cross combo but is hit with a nasty uppercut. The round comes to an end.
Round 3 Both fighters trade shots and back away looking for the next opening. "Brown Pride" feints and follows up with a hard cross. Colt Green stalks forward paws away with a couple jabs missing the mark. Green feints and follows up with a hard cross. Cirino stalks forward paws away with a couple jabs missing the mark. Green connects with a strong body shot combo. Colt Green unleashes a flurry of punches on "Brown Pride". Green connects with a hard right hand putting Guerrero on the mat. Green goes down with him into side control. The round comes to an end.