Round 1 Matthew MacGrath attempts a takedown, but cannot finish it. Tommy Tyler takes advantage of the moment taking side control. Tommy slides his knee across the body of Matthew and takes full mount. Tommy Tyler lands a double punch to the head of "Matty". Matthew MacGrath gives his back up trying to escape the mount. Tyler lands a double punch to the head of Matthew MacGrath. Matthew MacGrath is able to make it back to the standing position.Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 Matthew hits a hook to the body and follows with a power straight that misses. MacGrath lands a hook to the body then a straight cross to the sternum. Matthew throws a push kick. Tommy shucks it and strikes with a overhand that crashes into Matthew MacGraths nose.
Tommy Tyler attempts to clinch, but Matthew MacGrath connects with an uppercut to the jaw. Matthew connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. MacGrath throws a teep backing Tommy Tyler off. Tommy Tyler throws a hard jab but MacGrath throws a cross right over the top rocking Tommy Tyler. The round comes to an end.
Round 3 Tommy fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with MacGrath. Tommy receieves numerous knees to the thighs from Matthew. Matthew MacGrath takes Tylers back standing. Tommy Tyler isolates an arm to lock a spinning kimura but Matthew MacGrath lands a sharp shovel punch that forces Tommy Tyler to release. Matthew parries Tylers jab and connect with a cross. "Matty" tries to hyperextend the knee of Tommy with a kick to the kneecap. Tommy hops back to avoid it. Tommy connects with a strong body shot combo. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.