Round 1 "Box1" is cut open by a standing elbow strike. The ref stops the fight. The doctor take a look at the cut and determines "Box1" can continue. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Pablo works Alejandro Jimenez into the cage from the clinch. Pablo presses his head under Alejandro Jimenezs chin so he cannot defend the piston shots from either side. The fighters jockey for position in the clinch. Pablo Ruiz fakes a shot attempt from the clinch, opening Alejandro Jimenez up for a flurry of hooks. Alejandro Jimenez continually moves away from Pablo Ruiz, who stalks him patiently, occasionally landing a jab or cross. Alejandro chips away at Ruiz with a series of kicks to the legs. Both fighters trade shots and back away looking for the next opening. Alejandro Jimenez connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 Both fighters begin to exchange "Box1" catches Jimenez with an eye poke. The referee calls time and lets Jimenez gather himself. Jimenez says he is ok and the fight continues. Ruiz unleashes several furious punches at Alejandro Jimenez. A lazy leg kick from Ruiz is caught by Alejandro Jimenez who lands a huge overhand right, flooring Ruiz. Alejandro kicks at the legs of Ruiz and then asks him to stand up. The referee tells Ruiz to stand. Pablo Ruiz parries a jab but is hit with a powerful knee to that midsection that drops him to the floor. Alejandro kicks at the thighs of Pablo. Jimenez lays into Ruizs thighs and then backs off and tells him to stand up. Ruiz does so. Alejandro hits a lead uppercut and follows with a hard hook to the head of "Box1". A jab-hook-uppercut combo has Alejandro stepping back and shaking the cobwebs out.Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 "Box1" connects with a strong body shot combo. Pablo parries a jab but is caught by a strong leg kick. Jimenez eats a jab,jab, then a hook from "Box1". Alejandro Jimenez lands a outside leg kick that causes Ruiz to back up. Alejandro lands a left hook, only to follow up with a strong kick to the ribs. "Box1" throws a kick to the midsection that is caught by Jimenez. Jimenez lands a sweeping leg kick that puts "Box1" on his back. The round comes to an end.