Round 1 Bill Ryan reaches down and trips Otavio with a beautiful ankle pick. Bill Ryan dives into his guard. Ryan attempts to set in a hammer lock from being caught in the guard. Royce slips out of it at the last moment. Royce Otavio backs out of the guard after some unsuccessful motions and both fighters are standing. Ryan ducks under a loopy hoop, taking Royce to the mat, and his back. Ryan slides to the side and spanks the butt of Royce in a sign of disrespect. The crowd laughs uncontrollably. Ryan peppers Royce with several shots to the face. Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 Royce Otavio lands multiple inside leg kicks that have Bill Ryan circling away. Bill connects with a jab cross combination. Royce hits a hook to the body and follows with a power straight that misses. Otavio lands a solid kick to the front leg of Bill Ryan. Otavio attempts a lazy shot, which Ryan sprawls, eventually taking Otavio back. Round 2 is over.
Round 3 Royce Otavio attempts a lazy shot, which Bill Ryan sprawls, eventually taking Royce Otavio back. Ryan tries to set in a rear naked choke, but can't quite finish it. Royce Otavio starts to wiggle out of back control, Bill lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Both fighters move in to strike but miss their marks. As they jockey for position in the clinch Bill Ryan wins the momentum battle and falls into side control on top of Royce. Bill Ryan slides his knee across the body of Otavio and takes full mount. Ryan punishes Royce with a series of strikes from the mount. Otavio lands a good elbow as Bill Ryan lowers his torso.Round 3 comes to a close.