Round 1 Alvarez fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Ed. Olson attempts to grab the plum but is kept off balance by Robertitos strikes. Alvarez dodges an uppercut to the chin, though loses his balance and falls to the ground, with Ed Olson standing over him. Ed Olson attempts to drop a fist on Robertito Alvarez, but misses and lands in his guard. Robertito Alvarez connects with some unorthodox punches from the bottom position. Ed Olson drops some good punches while being caught in the guard. "Titties" grabs the arm of Ed while in guard and holds tight eating shots to ribs. Alvarez slides out from bottom grasping the back of Ed Olson allowing him to get back control. Round 1 is over.
Round 2 Olson just misses with a head kick, grazing "Tittiess" skull. Ed Olson keeps Robertito at a distance with some well timed jabs. Olson snaps back the head of "Titties" with a stiff jab. "Titties" eats a stiff kick to the face. Robertito connects with 1-2 jab hook combo and quickly steps away. Ed hunts down his opponent and throws 2 heavy haymakers that get nothing but air. Robertito Alvarez connects with a hard jab as Ed Olson attempts a wide outside hook. Olson tries to hyperextend the knee of Robertito Alvarez with a kick to the kneecap. Robertito Alvarez hops back to avoid it. Olson connects with a brutal kick to the liver of "Titties" who falls to the ground. Olson waves him back to his feet. A wild hook from Robertito Alvarez is ducked by Ed Olson who lands a cross-hook to the body before backing away. Robertito throws a cross that easily dodged by Ed. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 Ed connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. "Titties" attempts to press in on Ed Olson but is met with powerful inside-leg kicks. After dodging a jab-cross, Olson lands a kick to the liver of Alvarez who steps back and begins to take a knee. Olson rushes forward to capitalize but Alvarez stands back up and is met by a strong cross-uppercut that again backs him up. Robertito Alvarez takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. After dodging a jab, Ed lands a kick to the liver of Robertito Alvarez who steps back only to take a knee. Ed rushes forward to capitalize but Robertito Alvarez falls to his back to avoid the onslaught. Round 3 comes to a close.