Round 1 A cross from Warner is parried followed by an uppercut from Jonathan Lemmens. Mick Warner does a good job to circle away from Jonathan Lemmens but becomes too predictable and Jonathan Lemmens lands a switch kick to Warners ribs. Jonathan connects with a jab cross combination. Jonathans legs are wobbled by a strong hook to the temple then a shovel punch to the jaw. Warner lands a jab, but it is returned by a sick uppercut from Lemmens. Jonathan Lemmens snaps back the head of Mick Warner with a stiff jab. Warner is backing away forcing Jonathan Lemmens to run at him to close the distance. Jonathan Lemmens darts into the cage full blast planting his foot into the wiring and jumping off hitting Warner with a fantastic showtime kick that has him crumpled on the mat. Ref waves it off.