Round 1 Patryk throws a cross that easily dodged by Nosaka. Patryk Dunajski narrowly dodges a cross from Nosaka, but falls catching him in his guard. "NHB NK" attempts to set in a hammer lock from being caught in the guard. Patryk slips out of it at the last moment. An heel strike attempt is dodged by Hikaru Nosaka and he traps Patryk Dunajskis extended leg to move to half guard. Dunajski holds the head of Hikaru Nosaka close to avoid shots. Hikaru Nosaka slams shots to his opponents ribs and throws hard elbows to the thighs. Hikaru Nosaka slams his knee into Patryk Dunajskis ribs. Patryk is able to work a leg through from the bottom to attain full guard. Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 Both fighters trade shots and back away looking for the next opening. Dunajski sends Hikaru Nosaka to the mat with a well timed jab, falling into his guard. Patryk Dunajski forces Hikaru Nosakas leg down, giving him the chance to pass into side control. Nosaka is wisely defending a kimura. Patryk Dunajski attempts to take it but Nosaka is having none of it, though Patryk Dunajski has used the chance the slide into mount. Dunajski is pulled in tight, and then switched over on his back. Hikaru is now caught in Dunajskis guard. The round comes to an end.
Round 3 After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Patryk works the clinch to his advantage, carefully connecting with precise strikes. Nosaka works to Patryks back while standing. Nosaka throws a couple of outside shots until Patryk is able to work his way back to the clinch. Nosaka decides to abandon the clinch by pulling guard and bringing Dunajski with him. Hikaru Nosaka sinks a deep kimura, but Dunajski slides out. This gives Hikaru Nosaka the chance to switch to half guard. Dunajski strikes from half guard but Nosaka grabs his leg and connects with his other hand behind the head of Dunajski. Nosaka uses the momentum to sweep into dominant half guard. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
Patryk "Portugal The Man" Dunajski wins by Split Decision