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Cage Gladiators
Light Heavyweight (205lbs)

Rodrigo Diez
15 and Under
Ring King
Age: 27
Record: 1 - 0
Ranking: 0
Lief Vail
Crazy KO Camp
Ring King
Age: 30
Record: 1 - 2
Ranking: 0

Round 1
Rodrigo connects with a hard punch making Lief Vail bring him in to a tight clinch. Rodrigo Diez places a few punches to the ribs while tied up. Diez takes Liefs back standing. Lief isolates an arm to lock a spinning kimura but Diez lands a sharp shovel punch that forces Lief to release. Diez circles Lief Vail, keeping him at bay with quick strikes. Diez lands a hook to the body. Rodrigo Diez is hit with a jab then a hook to the body and stumbles backward. Lief Vail tries to press the action but is met with a push kick from Rodrigo Diez that puts him on the floor. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.

Round 2
Lief Vail eats a strong cross as Rodrigo Diez moves into the clinch. Lief is on the recieving end of a series of knees to the midsecion. Rodrigo takes the back of Lief Vail who works for a kimura. Rodrigo pulls his arm out of the hold and push Lief Vail away. Rodrigo throws a kick to the midsection of Vail. Diez parries Liefs jab and connect with a cross. Rodrigo stuffs a shot from Lief and hits him with an outside body shot. Lief gives up on the takedown and pulls guard. The bell signals the end of round 2.

Round 3
Rodrigo lands a stiff jab and inside-leg kick. Lief Vail connects with a hard punch making Diez bring him in to a tight clinch. Lief works the clinch to his advantage, carefully connecting with precise strikes. Lief Vail works to Rodrigo Diezs back while standing. Lief Vail throws a couple of outside shots until Diez is able to work his way back to the clinch. Rodrigo Diez takes the back of Lief who works for a kimura. Rodrigo Diez pulls his arm out of the hold and push Lief away. Rodrigo is rocked by a standing elbow strike. Diez connects with a jab cross combination. Rodrigos legs are wobbled by a strong hook to the temple then a shovel punch to the jaw. After dodging a jab, Lief lands a kick to the liver of Rodrigo who steps back only to take a knee from the pain. Lief rushes forward and finishes Rodrigo with an uppercut.

Lief Vail wins by KO (Uppercut)