Round 1 After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. "CHINA 4" works Renato into the cage from the clinch. "CHINA 4" presses his head under Salless chin so he cannot defend the piston shots from either side. Renato grabs the plum and pulls "CHINA 4s" face towards a powerful knee which is blocked. Renato releases the hold and lands an uppercut. Renato dodges a jab and throws a knee to the midsection of Boqin Tsang. Renato Salles throws a cross that easily dodged by Tsang. Salles connects with a combination and backs away from the counter combo of Boqin Tsang. "CHINA 4" is hit with a jab then hook to the body and stumbles backward. Renato explodes forward with a push kick that puts "CHINA 4" on the canvas. Renato drops a powerful fist onto Tsang. "CHINA 4s" eyes roll back into his head, and this fight is over.