Round 1 Travis Ryan lands a strong outside leg kick that is returned by Llewellyn. Ryan is on the receiving end of a good punching combination from Aedd Llewellyn. Travis parries "NATIONAL PRIDEs" jab and lands an uppercut. Travis Ryan lands a solid kick to the front leg of Aedd. Both fighters begin to exchange Ryan catches Llewellyn with an eye poke. The referee calls time and lets Llewellyn gather himself. Llewellyn says he is ok and the fight continues. Ryan is cut open under the eye by a standing elbow strike. Travis lands multiple inside leg kicks that have "NATIONAL PRIDE" circling away. Travis Ryan strikes with a straight front kick. Aedd Llewellyn keeps Travis at a distance with some well timed jabs. Travis Ryan starts to put on the pressure, forcing Aedd Llewellyn back into the cage. Travis Ryan takes advantage and clinches. The round comes to an end.
Round 2 A wild hook from Travis is ducked by Aedd who lands a cross-hook to the body before backing away. Travis connects with a brutal kick to the liver of "NATIONAL PRIDE" who falls to the ground. Travis waves him back to his feet. After dodging a jab-cross, Aedd Llewellyn lands a kick to the liver of Ryan who steps back and begins to take a knee. Aedd Llewellyn rushes forward to capitalize but Ryan stands back up and is met by a strong cross-uppercut that again backs him up. The fighters circle each other. Aedd Llewellyn takes a punch and goes to the mat, Ryan pounces into side control. Aedd Llewellyn recovers quickly. Round 2 is finished.
Round 3 Ryan hits a hook to the body and follows with a power straight that misses. A welt begins to form under Traviss eye after a strong cross-hook landed from Aedd Llewellyn. "NATIONAL PRIDE" fires a haymaker but misses spinning himself around. Travis quickly takes his back. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
Aedd "NATIONAL PRIDE" Llewellyn wins by Split Decision