Round 1 A welt begins to form under Callum MacMahons eye after a strong cross-hook landed from Nakata. Nakata connects with jab cross combination. Callum connects with 1-2 jab hook combo and quickly steps away. "NP South Korea SFL" hunts down his opponent and throws 2 heavy haymakers that get nothing but air. Callum pummels Tsuneo Nakata with a series of rapid fire fists. Callum MacMahon connects with a strong right hook. MacMahon feints and follows up with a hard crossto the head of "NP South Korea SFL". Callum MacMahon connects with a strong body shot combo. The bell signals the end of round 1.
Round 2 Tsuneo Nakata connects with a strong body shot combo. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. MacMahon works Tsuneo into the cage from the clinch. MacMahon presses his head under Tsuneos chin so he cannot defend the piston shots from either side. Nakata ducks under to the back of Callum and hops up getting both hooks in. Nakata applies a deep choke. Callum fights off the hands and spins around back into the clinch. Nakata takes Callum MacMahons back standing. MacMahon isolates an arm to lock a spinning kimura but Nakata lands a sharp shovel punch that forces MacMahon to release. MacMahon throws a flurry connecting with the final punch. Nakata is rocked and stumbles to the ground but quickly shakes it off. Callum circles "NP South Korea SFL", landing jabs at will. Tsuneo Nakata connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. Nakata sends Callum to the mat with a well timed jab, falling into his guard. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Tsuneo takes Callums back standing. Tsuneo lands a couple of uppercuts from behind. Callum MacMahon is able to work his way back around. Nakata takes the back of Callum MacMahon who works for a kimura. Nakata pulls his arm out of the hold and push Callum MacMahon away. Callum MacMahon throws a flurry connecting with the final punch. Nakata is rocked and stumbles to the ground but quickly shakes it off. Nakata connects with a strong body shot combo. Nakata throws a hard jab but Callum MacMahon throws a cross right over the top that knocks out Nakata.