Round 1 "NP Malaysia SFL" attempts to clinch, but Arands connects with an uppercut to the jaw. Ning connects with a combination and backs away from the counter combo of "Wolverine ". Homero Arands catches a leg kick and fires a hard punch to the head dropping Ning Zhao. Arands kicks at the legs of Ning Zhao and then asks him to stand up. The referee tells Ning Zhao to stand. Homero Arands is hit with a hook and a shovel punch and stumbles backward. Ning tries to press the action but is met with a push kick from Homero Arands that puts him on the floor. Homero dances around Ning Zhaos legs and lands a powerful soccer kick to the head. Arands throws a short kick to the downed Ning. Ning takes the chance to rise back to his feet. Homero Arands is hit with two hard punches to his face. Homero Arands laughs off the punches. Homero ducks a punch and snatches a tight Muay Thai clinch delivering a ruthless knee to the chest followed by a slicing uppercut across the head of Zhao. Homero follows it up with multiple smashing elbows to the side of the temple putting Zhao down and finished.
Homero "Wolverine " Arands wins by KO (Multiple Elbow Strikes)