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Middleweight (185lbs)

Francisco "Event" Alvarez
Master Race
Clean Sweep
Age: 25
Record: 10 - 2
Ranking: 162
Marcel "TRIATHALON" Kaminski
Kentucky FC
Pull Guard
Age: 30
Record: 5 - 6
Ranking: 1641

Round 1
Marcel dives in for a takedown but the momentum of the attempt ends in a scramble back to their feet. Marcel Kaminski fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Alvarez. Kaminski uses his under and overhook to hit a solid body toss takedown, landing in full guard. Marcel Kaminski sits up in Alvarezs open guard and spins to an leg lock. Alvarez is able to gator-roll out of it and make it to standing. "TRIATHALON" presses forward and is able to jump up and grab onto Alvarez, aggressively pulling guard. Marcel Kaminski gets his arm underneath the neck of Alvarez while putting his opposite arm on the back of the head. Alvarez powers out of the attempted choke. "TRIATHALON" attempts to lock an omoplata, but Alvarez is able to muscle his way back to the guard. "TRIATHALON" grabs the arm of Francisco while in guard and holds tight eating shots to ribs. The round comes to an end.

Round 2
The fighters circle one another hopping in and out trying to find their range. Marcel Kaminski fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Alvarez. Alvarez attempts to grab the plum but Marcel takes the opportunity to attain double underhooks and take down Alvarez. Kaminski takes a risk going for a leglock from being caught in "Events" guard. It doesn't pay off as "Event" makes his way to standing. Kaminski narrowly dodges a cross from Alvarez, but falls catching him in his guard. Kaminski attempts an armbar from the bottom, but Francisco slips out at the last moment. Marcel Kaminski locks a triangle but "Event" defends well. Marcel Kaminski decides to let go of the hold. Marcel throws his leg over for a tight armbar from the bottom. Francisco has to tap.

Marcel "TRIATHALON" Kaminski wins by Submission (Armbar)