Round 1 Yi connects with a jab cross combination. "Rebel" circles Kim, mixing jabs with body shots. Pat executes a single leg giving him the back of Kim. Pat slides to the side and spanks the butt of Yi in a sign of disrespect. The crowd laughs uncontrollably. Kim starts to wiggle out of back control, Pat Young lets him escape putting them both on their feet. A welt begins to form under Kims eye after a strong cross-hook landed from Pat. Kim Yi connects with a hard jab as Pat attempts a wide outside hook. Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 Both fighters trade shots and back away looking for the next opening. Young connects with a strong right hook. Yi attempts a lazy shot, which Young sprawls, eventually taking Yi back. Pat Young tries to set in a rear naked choke, but can't quite finish it. Yi starts to wiggle out of back control, Pat Young lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Pat Young connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. A shot catches Kim off balance and off guard. Pat Young spears him but can only manage to make it to guard. Round 2 is over.
Round 3 The fighters circle one another hopping in and out trying to find their range. Pat Young catches a leg kick and fires a hard punch to the head dropping Yi. Pat throws a short kick to the downed Kim. Kim takes the chance to rise back to his feet. Young connects with a right that puts Yi off balance tumbling to the mat, as Young towers over him. Pat attempts to drop a fist on Kim Yi, but misses and lands in his guard. Kim Yi connects with some unorthodox punches from the bottom position. Yi works for a triangle but Pat Young throws Kim Yis straight leg over his head and makes it to half guard. The bell signals the end of round 3.