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Milton HW Grand Prix
Tournament Round 3 Match
Heavyweight (265lbs)

Olavo Lobo
Pull Guard
Highest Rank: #13
Record: 28 - 10
Jesse Wilson
Pull Guard
Highest Rank: #192
Record: 38 - 32

Round 1
Wilson hits a hook to the body and follows with a power straight that misses. Jesse Wilson fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Olavo. Wilson receieves numerous knees to the thighs from Olavo. Wilson drops to a knee and attempts a takedown from the clinch. Olavo Lobo sets a guillotine choke but Wilson slips out at the last moment. Wilson is now caught in guard. An heel strike attempt is dodged by Jesse Wilson and he traps Olavos extended leg to move to half guard. Olavo uses butterfly guard to get Jesse Wilson back into his guard. Lobo attempts to lock an omoplata, but Jesse is able to muscle his way back to the guard. Olavo Lobo backs out of the guard after some unsuccessful motions and both fighters are standing. Jesse hits an uppercut to the head of Olavo Lobo followed by a hard hook. Wilson dives in for a takedown but the momentum of the attempt ends in a scramble back to their feet.Round 1 comes to a close.

Round 2
Olavo connects with a series of punches forcing Jesse into a clinch. Olavo Lobo works to Wilsons back while standing. Olavo Lobo throws a couple of outside shots until Jesse Wilson is able to work his way back to the clinch. Olavo takes Jesses back standing, but Wilson isolates an arm and locks a spinning kimura but Olavo squirms out and both fighters end up standing. Wilson shoots a takedown from a distance putting Lobo on the ground. Olavo Lobo gets his arm underneath the neck of Jesse while putting his opposite arm on the back of the head. Jesse powers out of the attempted choke. Lobo locks a triangle but Jesse Wilson defends well. Lobo continues the attempt but finally decides to let go. Wilsons face is red from the choke and sits low in the guard to catch his breath. A tight body triangle from the bottom position forces Jesse Wilson to pull Olavo close. Jesse Wilson is having trouble breathing in Olavos guard. Lobo attempts an ambar from the guard. Jesse defends it but is switched to mount. Round 2 is finished.

Round 3
A trip to the ground allows Jesse Wilson to move into the guard of Lobo. Olavo Lobo grabs an overhook and lock his hands together wrenching the shoulder of Jesse from in guard. Jesse taps from the pain.

Olavo Lobo wins by Submission (Shoulder Lock)