Round 1 Wright connects with a jab cross combination. The fighters circle one another hopping in and out trying to find their range. Branden hits a hard jab but misses with the follow up straight. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
Round 2 A shot catches Wright off balance and off guard. "Ninja Sox" spears him but can only manage to make it to guard. Branden Rodgers strikes to the body of Cassidy from in guard, opening Cassidy up for a headshot which bruises his brow. Cassidy Wright attempts a switch from the guard, but a scramble takes place getting both fighters to their feet. Both fighters begin to exchange "Ninja Sox" catches Cassidy Wright with an eye poke. The referee calls time and lets Cassidy Wright gather himself. Cassidy Wright says he is ok and the fight continues. Rodgers connects with numerous jabs to the face of Cassidy. Rodgers connects with a hard right hand putting Wright on the mat. Rodgers goes down with him into side control. "Ninja Sox" drops some hammer fists on Cassidy. Rodgers drops some hammer fists on Cassidy Wright. The bell signals the end of round 2.
Round 3 Rodgers connects with a combination and backs away from the counter combo of Wright. "Ninja Sox" snaps back the head of Cassidy Wright with a stiff jab. Branden Rodgers circles Cassidy Wright, landing jabs at will. Cassidy Wright is hit with a jab-cross and then brutally shoved to the canvas. "Ninja Sox" falls into guard and eventually works to half guard. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
Branden "Ninja Sox" Rodgers wins by Unanimous Decision