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Battle of the Superdudes 2020
Tournament Round 2 Match
Catchweight Bout

Trip Severn
Team Superdudes
Ground & Pound
Highest Rank: #207
Record: 40 - 47
Gerard King
Team Superdudes
Pull Guard
Highest Rank: #47
Record: 30 - 22

Round 1
Severn fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Gerard King. Trip Severn throws a short elbow at Gerard King. Gerard takes the back of Trip who works for a kimura. Gerard pulls his arm out of the hold and push Trip away. Trip ducks and weaves through a quick combo from Gerard King and knocks him back with a shovel punch to the jaw. Gerard King takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. King winds up a heavy straight but is countered by a hard counter knee to the body. A looping right hook from Trip Severn sends Gerard to the mat. Trip drops a huge strike to Kings chin, landing into his guard. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.

Round 2
Trip fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Gerard. Trip Severn works Gerard King into the cage from the clinch. Trip Severn presses his head under Gerard Kings chin so he cannot defend the piston shots from either side. King attempts to grab the plum but is tripped to the floor by Severn who lands in his guard. Two strong elbows from Trip dazes King. Trip transitions into side control. The round comes to an end.

Round 3
Gerard King stuffs a takedown but is backed into a corner and must slide into guard to avoid being picked up. Gerard slides his body to the side and pushes out of guard. Severn grabs a guillotine hold and forces Gerard back down gaining side control. Round 3 comes to a close.

Trip Severn wins by Unanimous Decision