Round 1 Haynes connects with a series of punches forcing Barry Bush into a clinch. "Oops" attempts to grab the plum but is kept off balance by "Legendarys" strikes. Barry attempts a takedown but is out leveraged and taken down himself. Haynes now is in dominant side mount. Haynes attempts an armbar, but Barry stops the attempt. Haynes uses the oppurtunity to take mount. Barry bucks off "Legendary" and both fighters get to their feet. Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 Ben tries to stop a shot with a punch but "Oops" plows through Bens attempt and ends up in guard. Barry keeps his head down in the chest of Haynes to avoid any submission attempts. Barry leans up and lands some short punches before lowering back down. Ben Haynes slides his body to the side and pushes out of guard. Barry grabs a guillotine hold and forces Ben Haynes back down gaining side control. Barry Bush attempts to mount, but gets a few punches from Ben for his troubles. "Oops" attempts an armbar, but "Legendary" stops the attempt. "Oops" uses the oppurtunity to take mount. Barry secures his position. Haynes kicks off a leg and finds space off to the side and wraps around the body of Bush getting his back. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 "Oops" throws a push kick. Ben Haynes shucks it and strikes with a overhand that crashes into Barrys nose.
Ben Haynes connects with a jab cross combination. Ben connects with jab cross combination. "Oops" executes a single leg giving him the back of "Legendary". Bush lands a double punch to the head of Haynes. Barry starts hammering away from dominant back control smashing the head of Ben Haynes into unconsciousness.