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Ludus Magnus I
Tournament Round 2 Match
Catchweight Bout

Kisi Okiro
Ludus Magnus
Slam it Out
Highest Rank: #2
Record: 50 - 8
Nkosi "The King" Nsizwakele
Ludus Magnus
Slam it Out
Highest Rank: #1
Record: 108 - 23

Round 1
Kisi Okiro hits an uppercut to the head of "The King" followed by a hard hook. A trip to the ground allows Kisi Okiro to move into the guard of Nkosi. Nsizwakele connects with several chop shots from the bottom. Nkosi tries to slide out of guard, but a scramble ensues. Kisi ends up mounted by Nkosi. "The King" secures his position. Okiro gives his back up trying to escape the mount. Round 1 comes to a close.

Round 2
Nkosi parries Okiros jab and connect with a cross. Kisi narrowly dodges a cross from "The King", but falls catching him in his guard. Nkosi takes a risk going for a leglock from being caught in Kisi Okiros guard. It doesn\'t pay off as Kisi makes his way to standing. Kisi connects with a strong body shot combo. Nkosi attempts a striking combination, but Kisi Okiro forces the clinch. Nkosi Nsizwakele cannot pick up Kisi who is too strong for his throws. Nkosi Nsizwakele opts to use a valley drop and floors Kisi. Nkosi Nsizwakele remains standing. Nkosi lays into Kisi Okiro with some stomps. Kisi Okiro can\'t handle it as the ref stops the fight.

Nkosi "The King" Nsizwakele wins by KO (Stomps)