Round 1 Akio Komatsu lands a jab, but it is returned by a sick uppercut from Mikhail Yershov. Mikhail lands a solid kick to the inside thigh of Akio Komatsu. Komatsu lands a jab, but it is returned by a sick uppercut from Mikhail. Komatsu throws a powerful left hook, but is met with a strong jab from Mikhail. The fighters circle each other. Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 Mikhail Yershov counters a jab with a stiff uppercut. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Mikhail lands a powerful uppercut in the clinch. Yershov lands some solid knees to the legs of Akio from the clinch. Mikhail Yershov escapes the clinch and creates some distance. Akio eats a stiff kick to the face. Akio Komatsu eats a jab,jab, then a hook from Mikhail. Akio Komatsu takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. Akio Komatsu blocks a left high kick from Mikhail, but is still staggered by it. Mikhail follows up with a strong right hook, putting Akio Komatsu out cold.