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a brotherly beatdown
Tournament Round 1 Match
Catchweight Bout

Koichi Ishikawa
in the butt
Pull Guard
Highest Rank: #11
Record: 39 - 28
Burke "i look like fabio" Shriver
Pull Guard
Highest Rank: #50
Record: 41 - 27

Round 1
Koichi throws a cross that easily dodged by Burke Shriver. Koichi takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. Burke snaps back the head of Koichi with a stiff jab. Shriver loses his balance from a well timed strike, and is awkwardly taken down by Ishikawa for the mistake. Ishikawa has side control. The bell signals the end of round 1.

Round 2
A single-leg attempt is well defended by Ishikawa. "i look like fabio" stands up, lifting the leg of Ishikawa and executing a trip takedown. "i look like fabio" attempts to set in a hammer lock from being caught in the guard. Koichi Ishikawa slips out of it at the last moment. Burke takes a risk going for a leglock from being caught in Koichis guard. It doesn't pay off as Koichi Ishikawa makes his way to standing. Ishikawa throws a cross that easily dodged by Shriver. The fighters circle each other. Ishikawa attempts to press in but "i look like fabio" uses a inside reaping to put Ishikawa on the canvas. "i look like fabio" hops to side control. Koichi Ishikawa almost switches side control around, but falls short at the last moment. Ishikawa takes a few knees to the body while under Burkes side control. The round comes to an end.

Round 3
After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Burke receieves numerous knees to the thighs from Koichi Ishikawa. Koichi Ishikawa attempts a takedown from the clinch, but Burke Shriver pulls a switch on him, ultimately leading to both fighters on their feet. Ishikawa is staggered by a jab to the chin. Burke snaps back the head of Koichi with a stiff jab. Shriver throws a cross that easily dodged by Koichi Ishikawa. Koichi takes Shriver down to the mat with a good double leg takedown, leading to him standing over Shriver. Ishikawa drops a huge strike to Burke Shrivers chin, landing into his guard. Round 3 comes to a close.

Burke "i look like fabio" Shriver wins by Split Decision