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a brotherly beatdown
Tournament Round 1 Match
Catchweight Bout

Denny Martin
Pull Guard
Highest Rank: #3
Record: 45 - 29
Paco Cruz
in the butt
Pull Guard
Highest Rank: #269
Record: 23 - 22

Round 1
After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Paco places a few punches to the ribs while tied up. Denny attempts to pull guard, but slips, putting him on the ground, and with Paco Cruz standing over him. Paco drops a huge strike to Dennys chin, landing into his guard. Denny lands a stiff elbow while on his back. Paco tries to pass guard but Denny Martin stops him with a well timed punch. Martin shifts his hips to get better position in the guard. Cruz pushes down Denny Martins leg, allowing him to pass guard into half guard.Round 1 comes to a close.

Round 2
Cruz is staggered by a jab to the chin. Cruz takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. Paco Cruz gets hit with a strong punch, putting him to the mat, but he recovers just in time to give up his back. Paco rolls back into being mounted. Cruz attempts to escape mount but has no luck. Paco attempts to escape mount but has no luck. Round 2 is over.

Round 3
Martin keeps Cruz at a distance with some well timed jabs. Martin narrowly dodges a cross from Paco Cruz, but falls catching him in his guard. Denny connects with some unorthodox punches from the bottom position. Paco Cruz attempts to drop bombs while caught in the guard, but Denny takes the chance to switch Paco Cruz over to mount him. Martin maintains mount but laying some well timed strikes. Paco gives his back up trying to escape the mount. The round comes to an end.

Denny Martin wins by Unanimous Decision