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One Last Brawl
Tournament Round 1 Match
Catchweight Bout

Pavlik "Russian Madman" Bulatov
Rocket Punch
Ground & Pound
Highest Rank: #5
Record: 56 - 40
Branden "Dull Boy" Roy
Slam it Out
Highest Rank: #1
Record: 72 - 27

Round 1
Branden parries Bulatovs jab and connect with a cross. Roy stuffs a shot from Pavlik Bulatov and hits him with an outside body shot. Pavlik Bulatov gives up on the takedown and pulls guard. Roy takes a risk going for a leglock from being caught in "Russian Madmans" guard. It doesn't pay off as Bulatov makes his way to standing. The fighters circle each other. Roy fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Pavlik Bulatov. "Dull Boy" grabs the plum and tosses "Russian Madman" to the ground. Branden Roy drops a huge strike to Bulatovs chin, landing into his guard. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.

Round 2
Branden eats a jab,jab, then a hook from Pavlik. Roy eats a jab,jab, then a hook from Pavlik. "Russian Madman" takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. Branden Roy snaps back the head of Pavlik Bulatov with a stiff jab. Roy connects with a right that puts Pavlik Bulatov off balance tumbling to the mat, as Roy towers over him. The round comes to an end.

Round 3
Bulatov grabs for a clinch but Roy grazes him with an uppercut. Bulatov staggers back, then surprises Roy with a powerful superman punch. "Dull Boys" legs are wobbled by a strong hook to the temple then a shovel punch to the jaw. "Dull Boy" connects with a strong right hook. Bulatov keeps "Dull Boy" at a distance with some well timed jabs. Bulatov unleashes a flurry of punches on Branden. Round 3 is over.

Pavlik "Russian Madman" Bulatov wins by Split Decision