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Elite Fight
Tournament Round 1 Match
Catchweight Bout

Alberto Oticica
Team Ryan Gracie
Power Locks
Highest Rank: #2118
Record: 5 - 5
Reynaldo Peixoto
Counter Strike
Highest Rank: #4161
Record: 0 - 2

Round 1
Oticica fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Reynaldo Peixoto. Oticica works the clinch to his advantage, carefully connecting with precise strikes. A strong elbow forces Alberto to lose his balance and fall to the floor. Reynaldo Peixoto attempts to drop a fist on Alberto, but misses and lands in his guard. Oticica goes for a kimura from the bottom, but Reynaldo slips out at the last second. Reynaldo tries to pass guard but Oticica stops him with a well timed punch. Alberto Oticica dodges some ground strikes from Peixoto, and sends a few back of his own. Reynaldo Peixoto presses the action while in the guard, but Alberto Oticica is able to switch him into mount. Round 1 comes to a close.

Round 2
Alberto plows through Reynaldo with a driving double leg takedown. Peixoto works for a triangle but Oticica throws Reynaldos straight leg over his head and makes it to half guard. Alberto Oticica tries to pull his leg out of half guard, but no luck. Oticica slips out of half guard and into side control. Reynaldo Peixoto takes a few knees to the body while under Albertos side control. Alberto Oticica slides his knee across the body of Reynaldo Peixoto and takes full mount. Round 2 comes to a close.

Round 3
Alberto Oticica throws a powerful left hook, but is met with a strong jab from Peixoto. A jab from Oticica is blocked and a cross is returned by Peixoto. Peixoto is staggered by a jab to the chin. Peixoto throws a cross that easily dodged by Alberto Oticica. Oticica attempts a takedown but slips, and Reynaldo backs away. Reynaldo is standing over Oticica. Round 3 comes to a close.

Alberto Oticica wins by Split Decision