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Elite Fight
Tournament Quater-Finals
Catchweight Bout

Cristoforo "Over" Chavez
Flying Submissions
Highest Rank: #3966
Record: 3 - 5
Evgenii Vladimirov
Chop Down
Highest Rank: #1209
Record: 3 - 1

Round 1
The fighters circle each other. The fighters circle each other. Vladimirov takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. Cristoforo Chavez keeps Vladimirov at a distance with some well timed jabs. The bell signals the end of round 1.

Round 2
Cristoforo Chavez throws a crisp jab, but Vladimirov slips it and moves in for the clinch. Evgenii throws a short elbow at Cristoforo Chavez. While tied up, Cristoforo Chavez is met with a hard uppercut. Chavez lands a jab, but it is returned by a sick uppercut from Vladimirov. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. The fighters jockey for position in the clinch. Cristoforo absorbs several body shots while being tied up. A strong elbow forces Evgenii Vladimirov to lose his balance and fall to the floor.Round 2 comes to a close.

Round 3
Vladimirov slips a cross from Chavez and lands jab cross to the body. Cristoforo Chavez throws a cross that easily dodged by Vladimirov. Evgenii Vladimirov is staggered by a jab to the chin. Vladimirov throws a few strikes allowing him to clinch with his opponent. Cristoforo Chavez receieves numerous knees to the thighs from Evgenii Vladimirov. While keeping "Over" pinned in the clinch, Evgenii Vladimirov opens up on his midsection with some powerful shots. Evgenii works the clinch to his advantage, carefully connecting with precise strikes. Vladimirov works Chavez into a corner from the clinch. Vladimirov presses his head under "Overs" chin so he cannot defend the piston shots from either side. Round 3 comes to a close.

Evgenii Vladimirov wins by Split Decision