Round 1 "TRAINER" throws a cross that easily dodged by Bisson. Bisson keeps Tom Simmons at a distance with some well timed jabs. "TRAINER" grabs for a clinch but Gaston Bisson grazes him with an uppercut. "TRAINER" staggers back, then surprises Gaston Bisson with a powerful superman punch. Tom executes a single leg giving him the back of Bisson. Bisson carefully protects himself from Simmonss strikes. Simmons tries to set in a rear naked choke, but can't quite finish it. Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 Bisson is staggered by a jab to the chin. Gaston Bisson blocks a strong high kick from Tom Simmons and counters with a devastating left hook. Bisson keeps Tom Simmons at a distance with some well timed jabs. Gaston gets hit with a strong punch, putting him to the mat, but he recovers just in time to give up his back. Simmons slides off to the side of Gaston and lands several heavy knees into his ribs. Before he can lose the position, Simmons switches back to full back control. Simmons lands a series of heavy punches forcing Bisson to roll to his back, giving Simmons mount. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 Gaston Bisson throws a cross that easily dodged by Tom. Tom begins to clinch with Gaston, but Gaston presses out of it burning up quite a bit of energy. Simmons begins to clinch with Bisson, but Bisson presses out of it burning up quite a bit of energy. Gaston throws a wild punch, putting him off balance. A few well timed strikes from Tom Simmons puts Gaston on the mat giving his back up. Gaston Bisson tries to stand up but Tom plants him back down with several strikes. Tom Simmons lands undefended strikes to the side of Bissons head. The ref stops the fight.