Round 1 Eder Lacaz is staggered by a jab to the chin. Kawachi parries a jab but leaves himself open for a hard cross. Eder circles Kiyoshi, mixing jabs with body shots. A jab from Lacaz is blocked and a cross is returned by Kiyoshi Kawachi. Lacaz counters a jab with a stiff uppercut. Eder Lacaz blocks a hook cross combo but is pushed backward. Kiyoshi Kawachi tries to press the action but is met with a hook, uppercut that keeps him at bay. Round 1 is finished.
Round 2 Kiyoshi Kawachi snaps back the head of Eder Lacaz with a stiff jab. A double-leg shot is stuffed initially by Eder, but Kiyoshi is able to muscle through for a takedown. Eder Lacaz attempts an armbar. Kiyoshi Kawachi time a spin perfectly landing a strong overhand as he works his way into Eders guard. Kiyoshi defends a triangle attempt, throwing Lacazs straight leg over his head and makes a move for side control. Lacaz is able to hold him to half guard. Kawachi tries to pull his leg out of half guard, but no luck. Kawachi slips out of half guard and into side control. Eder gives his back up in an attempt to get out of side control. Eder starts to wiggle out of back control, Kawachi lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Eder Lacaz throws a wild punch, putting him off balance. A few well timed strikes from Kawachi puts Eder Lacaz on the mat giving his back up. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 Kawachi snaps back the head of Lacaz with a stiff jab. Kawachi connects with a strong right hook. Kiyoshi Kawachi circles Eder Lacaz, mixing jabs and leg kicks. A double-leg shot is stuffed initially by Lacaz, but Kiyoshi Kawachi is able to muscle through for a takedown. Round 3 comes to a close.