Round 1 "The Cobra" lands a hook to the body then a straight cross to the sternum. Carlo shoots in for a double leg, hoists "The Kebab" up, and slams him viciously to the mat, taking side control. Herreria lands a few stiff elbows from side control. Colon gives his back up in an attempt to get out of side control. Colon tries to explode out the backdoor but "The Cobra" sinks in both hooks, continually landing outside strikes. Colon falls flat to protect himself. Kalib tripods up, causing Carlo to fall forward. A scramble ensues and Kalib is able to take guard. The bell signals the end of round 1.
Round 2 "The Cobra" plows through Colon with a driving double leg takedown. Carlo is working a furious pace inside of the guard of Colon. Colon attempts a sloppy triangle attempt allowing Carlo the chance to pass to side control. Herreria attempts to mount, but gets a few punches from "The Kebab" for his troubles. Carlo slides his knee across the body of Colon and takes full mount. Kalib attempts to escape mount but has no luck. "The Kebab" shifts his head and hips to keep Herreria off balance and unable to land strikes. The bell signals the end of round 2.
Round 3 The fighters circle each other. Colon snaps back the head of Herreria with a stiff jab. Carlo Herreria grabs for a clinch but "The Kebab" grazes him with an uppercut. Carlo Herreria staggers back, then surprises "The Kebab" with a powerful superman punch. Carlo ducks under a loopy hoop, taking Colon to the mat, and his back. Kalib Colon carefully protects himself from Carlo Herrerias strikes. Herreria tries to set in a rear naked choke, but can't quite finish it. Round 3 comes to a close.
Carlo "The Cobra" Herreria wins by Unanimous Decision