Round 1 "Sting Ray" lands a hook to the body then a straight cross to the sternum. Simmons is brought to his back by a well executed takedown from Bill Jodoin. Bill Jodoin now has side control. Bill Jodoin lands a few stiff elbows from side control. Jay gives his back up in an attempt to get out of side control. "Android 1" tries to set in a rear naked choke, but can't quite finish it. Jay Simmons tries to explode out the backdoor but Jodoin sinks in both hooks, continually landing outside strikes. Jay Simmons falls flat to protect himself. Round 1 is finished.
Round 2 Bill Jodoin grabs for a clinch but Jay grazes him with an uppercut. Bill Jodoin staggers back, then surprises Jay with a powerful superman punch. Simmons shoots but Bill stuffs it, eventually working in a whizzer and landing some sharp knees that allows him to move to side mount. "Sting Ray" takes a few knees to the body while under Jodoins side control. "Sting Ray" gives his back up in an attempt to get out of side control. Jay tries to explode out the backdoor but Jodoin sinks in both hooks, continually landing outside strikes. Jay falls flat to protect himself. Jay Simmons tripods up, causing Bill Jodoin to fall forward. A scramble ensues and Jay Simmons is able to take half guard. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 Simmons executes a single leg giving him the back of Bill. Bill tries to stand up but Jay plants him back down with several strikes. Bill Jodoin starts to wiggle out of back control, Simmons lets him escape putting them both on their feet. "Android 1" is brought to his back by a well executed takedown from Jay Simmons. Jay Simmons now has side control. Jay Simmons slides his knee across the body of "Android 1" and takes full mount. Jay Simmons maintains mount but laying some well timed strikes. Simmons maintains mount but laying some well timed strikes. Round 3 is over.