Round 1 After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. "The Hitman" lands a powerful uppercut in the clinch. Ishibashi escapes the clinch and creates some distance. Brian Hughes circles Kenshin Ishibashi, mixing jabs and leg kicks. Kenshin is staggered by a jab to the chin. Hughes circles Kenshin, landing jabs and crosses at will. Ishibashi lands a strong outside leg kick but is met with a counter hook from Brian that puts him on the floor. Brian Hughes lays into Ishibashis thighs with some well timed kicks while Kenshin Ishibashi is grounded. The bell signals the end of round 1.
Round 2 Brian connects with a sweeping kick at the leg of Kenshin. Brian dodges a jab-cross combo from Ishibashi and connects with a front snap kick, sending Ishibashi stumbling backwards. Hughes slips a cross from Kenshin and lands an uppercut to the liver. Ishibashi circles "The Hitman", landing jabs and crosses at will. Kenshin Ishibashi circles Brian, mixing jabs and leg kicks. Brian circles Ishibashi, mixing jabs with body shots. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 Kenshin Ishibashi is hit with a hook and a shovel punch and stumbles backward. Brian Hughes explodes forward with a superman punch that drops Kenshin Ishibashi to the canvas. Brian Hughes drops a huge strike to Kenshin Ishibashis chin, landing into his guard. Kenshin goes for a kimura from the bottom, but Brian Hughes slips out at the last second. Ishibashi attempts to create some space from his guard, but Brian Hughes sees the opening and passes to full mount. Brian Hughes secures his position. Ishibashi gives his back up trying to escape the mount. Brian lands a series of heavy punches forcing Kenshin to roll to his back, giving Brian mount. Kenshin attempts to escape mount but has no luck. The bell signals the end of round 3.
Brian "The Hitman" Hughes wins by Unanimous Decision