
Outerspace Gladiators

Last Online - Wednesday 4th of November 2020
Display Name Vostre Roy
Member Since Oct 27, 2020
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 45-51


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10-31-2020 3:57 pm EST
Your comments are as banal as you are. If there was one spark or originality or wit, like say judo manages, they might raise a smile instead of a yawn. But then you are a troll, how much can you expect?
10-31-2020 2:14 pm EST
You need to come up with some originality. Oh wait, you are a troll so you are not the brightest spark are you?
10-31-2020 2:09 pm EST
Never mind, I figured it out. It's been a while Vos you'll have to forgive me.
10-31-2020 2:06 pm EST
Who are you, I mean I'm sure I know you but are unfamiliar with this camp. Ahhh, I like the kid's enthusiasm. He's just wet behind the ears. He'll lean. I'll teach him. ;)
10-31-2020 11:45 am EST
Who knew? They have trolls in Africa too :)