
Four Corners of Asia GOLD

Last Online - Wednesday 30th of September 2009
Display Name Asian Sensation GOLD
Member Since Jan 19, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 416-276


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Jason Nolrenz
Jason Jiu jitsu
3-12-2008 9:50 am EST
Same to you man, if you get the belt....we can unify them!
Jason Nolrenz
Jason Jiu jitsu
3-11-2008 8:31 pm EST
Man, I got another shitty decision. There's nothing I can really do about it though. I thought I lost. Good trilogy man, it was fun!
Jason Nolrenz
Jason Jiu jitsu
3-10-2008 8:06 pm EST
Great fight again man....honestly I think you had me 3 rounds to 2 rounds....which kinda sucks because I hate the bullshit decisions either way. Appreciate you sending the challenge and waiting on me for the rematch. Obviously we gotta do a trilogy, it is only right. Send it anytime, it will be accepted before all others.
1-24-2008 12:15 pm EST
im down, either you challenge me at 7 or ill challenge you
1-23-2008 4:43 pm EST
yet another split decision loss for me, good fight. rematch soon?