
Kill Camp Strata

Last Online - Saturday 9th of September 2017
Display Name Joe Grutt
Member Since Jun 17, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 196-226


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Casey Strata
Strata Squad
8-9-2008 7:15 am EST
I might spit some beachnut in that dudes eye.
8-4-2008 10:48 pm EST
Hey my bad man. I thought you were a sore loser of some kind. straight up though James "Joker" Jones...good stuff. telling you man you run a good camp. better than me, Casey and MikeTheHunter all together.
8-4-2008 9:48 pm EST
What do you have against camp Strata anyway?
6-21-2008 8:03 am EST
Yeah i'd go 8 points as a second style cause gnp beats pullguard your main style, but 8 points beats gnp most of the time thats one of my favorite combo's keep training muay thai 2 and a half stars is enough also do your strength most jits styles use strength while striking styles use power. Any more questions just ask-nose2nose
6-21-2008 8:03 am EST
Yeah i'd go 8 points as a second style cause gnp beats pullguard your main style, but 8 points beats gnp most of the time thats one of my favorite combo's keep training muay thai 2 and a half stars is enough also do your strength most jits styles use strength while striking styles use power. Any more questions just ask-nose2nose
6-20-2008 5:48 am EST
Yes fs needs balance but flexability is key!
6-19-2008 2:40 pm EST
oh yeah i came across your camp by beating Pito alvarez.
6-19-2008 2:39 pm EST
you need to change your styles, You have some decent fighters choose what style suits their attributes also certain styles are better against others and boost your chances of winning a fight go to the forums their pretty informative. If you want some tips send me a message i'll be more than willing to help you out!