
Mighty Moores

Last Online - Saturday 19th of December 2009
Display Name Moore
Member Since Jan 25, 2008
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 523-411


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Vincent Miami
4-26-2008 2:29 pm EST
Mighty Moores. More like Mighty Whores.
Vincent Miami
4-15-2008 2:19 pm EST
Afraid? James had nothing left to prove. At the age of 36 and 12 years fighting over 100 fights with 75 wins James thought he would retire. He accomplished lots in his career hold 5 belts and at the end even though the Hag won the last fight it was because he new he could not handle the ground game of James. He retire a happy man.
Vincent Miami
4-11-2008 5:53 pm EST
Saturday April 19th is your schedule open?
Vincent Miami
3-30-2008 1:39 pm EST
i can see your scared. just do it what do you have to loose. its only a game there is no rule saying you have to fight top comp. just do peer pressure peer pressure!
Vincent Miami
3-30-2008 11:19 am EST
if you have any spine at all you'll let the ferret fight milo dube. just do it i'll bet $ milo wins it by ko. don't be afraid.
Vincent Miami
3-15-2008 2:08 pm EST
"Marty "Rowdy Roddy" Porier has 1 message" *!BEEP!*
Vincent Miami
3-12-2008 7:03 am EST
well after winning the logo belt jenkins decided to retire at the age of 25. what the hell is up with that?!