
MJG Top Team

Last Online - Wednesday 27th of May 2009
Display Name MJG
Member Since Feb 3, 2009
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 166-236


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Crimage competition
Crimag Competition
3-11-2009 8:12 am EST
this is my answer right here
Crimage competition
Crimag Competition
3-1-2009 8:52 am EST
no sitting out your fighters when your starting is never a good idea. it just means less money for you. what i meant is that i try to spar my trainers to the max stat that my equipment will provide. example if you have 50K equip in JJ train your fighters up to 3 or 3.5 before moving on to flex. that way you new recruits will have a great fighter to spar with.you get it? well if you have more questions just drop em in my camp's homepage