
We Will Fight UK

Last Online - Friday 31st of March 2017
Display Name Stephanie McMahon
Member Since Mar 10, 2010
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 39-73


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Sir Jordan Nodraj Nugg Gu
High Kite Fighting System
4-10-2012 2:49 pm EST
haha you looma bitch
Sir Jordan Nodraj Nugg Gu
High Kite Fighting System
9-28-2010 11:33 pm EST
Sir Jordan Nodraj Nugg Gu
High Kite Fighting System
5-12-2010 1:08 am EST
BOOOM i did bitch and im still smoking weed but i got a win so fuck you you crabby bitch o and hhh is over the hill he needs to retire shane the only kewl one outta u fuckers and tell linda i said hey
5-12-2010 12:26 am EST
yea stuf kanichiwah ching ching chnga but ma that funny kancihhwa shannon grrenn you cmmoen made me laugh kanichwha
Sir Jordan Nodraj Nugg Gu
High Kite Fighting System
4-5-2010 12:03 am EST
fuck you stephanie i am who i am Looma
Sir Jordan Nodraj Nugg Gu
High Kite Fighting System
3-31-2010 10:10 pm EST
ive never foughten wolverine u crazy bitch stephanie and im not mr t bitch