
ToughCut MMA

Last Online - Saturday 23rd of June 2012
Display Name John Doe Mo Fo
Member Since Jan 20, 2012
Active Record 0-0
Overall Record 15-42


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andy holsweiser
RoughCut MMA
1-29-2012 7:19 pm EST
Lol im not worried at all this is my only camp and ive done pretty well as you can see i look forward to future battles:) take care
andy holsweiser
RoughCut MMA
1-29-2012 10:05 am EST
wow really what the fuck are the odds of that and in this your first account cause if not you cuold just seen it around and thought of it but if not hilarious story and congrats on first win i think were gonna have many great fights :) cheers mate take care
andy holsweiser
RoughCut MMA
1-28-2012 8:44 pm EST
was just kiddin bout previous msg but little ironic bout your camp name isnt it???Lol have fun playin ... :)
andy holsweiser
RoughCut MMA
1-28-2012 6:06 pm EST