
The Karache Vice Roster

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Active Roster
Cassidy Hughes 234lbs#3 (51-26)
Yves Duval 208lbs#5 (73-36)
Marty Biek 203lbs#6 (45-31)
Harold Clark 192lbs#10 (59-34)
Jim Powell 276lbs#10 (31-10)
Len McConomy 176lbs#11 (89-50)
Bryan Lange 186lbs#12 (49-17)
Meao Romero 265lbs#16 (37-17)
Gavin "a bad day" Cote 231lbs#16 (31-12)
Pat Bailey 178lbs#17 (50-35)
Sam Watson 220lbs#18 (55-31)
Henry Edwards 267lbs#19 (64-34)
William Caron 267lbs#20 (67-34)
Justin Cherry 263lbs#23 (39-24)
Gilbert Cook 187lbs#24 (49-21)
Trey Bedard 217lbs#28 (36-22)
Dennis Miller 190lbs#32 (38-18)
Salvador Santos 188lbs#36 (38-17)
Russ Barnes 164lbs#42 (60-28)
Nelson Carter 199lbs#45 (51-21)
Brian Powell 182lbs#46 (63-38)
Manny "Powerhouse" Juntareal 171lbs#48 (57-45)
Tom Nadeau 186lbs#50 (67-41)
Chuy Flores 280lbs#51 (51-33)
Ethan Taylor 280lbs#59 (38-17)
Ronald "Brawling" Russell 189lbs#67 (33-15)
Race Boucher 193lbs#67 (50-27)
Gage Scott 275lbs#75 (47-21)
Carl Turner 161lbs#75 (49-28)
Brian Blais 201lbs#80 (55-31)
Hawk Collins 223lbs#83 (24-14)
Rocky Bailey 277lbs#85 (30-14)
Louie Hamilton 167lbs#87 (32-13)
Caleb Boucher 207lbs#88 (42-16)
Adam Ross 271lbs#94 (53-30)
Jasha Komarov 190lbs#95 (41-22)
Ian Howard 158lbs#104 (32-17)
Race Rogers 267lbs#104 (48-31)
Tyler Ryan 191lbs#108 (43-18)
Gage Nadeau 194lbs#120 (32-22)
Brad Nelson 199lbs#123 (32-13)
Johnny "Flapper Pie" Yee 277lbs#129 (21-9)
Jamie Jach 204lbs#130 (26-12)
Art Scott 179lbs#132 (48-19)
Gavin Dube 149lbs#147 (78-57)
Mick Walker 194lbs#148 (19-15)
Lex Collins 221lbs#149 (57-54)
Rudy "Balance" Young 201lbs#155 (14-5)
Billy Adams 179lbs#156 (52-34)
Glen Hughes 202lbs#163 (36-14)
Jesse Stevens 162lbs#173 (67-52)
Eddie Walker 190lbs#184 (39-35)
Bob Carter 198lbs#191 (27-10)
Kirk Carter 217lbs#191 (38-28)
Dick "is very" Long 267lbs#193 (31-14)
Axl Sherk 204lbs#206 (44-39)
Sonny Phillips 174lbs#211 (24-16)
Troy "Sean William Scott" Thomas 272lbs#214 (26-14)
Cael Stevens 156lbs#216 (11-3)
Ronald "Wrestling" Lessard 260lbs#230 (8-0)
Cade Brooks 274lbs#233 (35-26)
Robert Jenkins 172lbs#235 (51-45)
Bobby 67 207lbs#240 (32-14)
Brad Baker 246lbs#252 (47-45)
Justin Jodoin 158lbs#253 (50-32)
Louie Wood 173lbs#263 (45-34)
Palmer Albright 205lbs#268 (26-14)
JT Miller 190lbs#279 (18-3)
Doc Hayden 250lbs#294 (16-8)
Hank Porier 171lbs#302 (34-24)
Barry Sherk 157lbs#312 (51-26)
Cole "Magrinho" Miller 184lbs#331 (38-23)
Bert Coleman 261lbs#341 (59-33)
Jay Gosselin 179lbs#374 (26-6)
Calvin Long 171lbs#376 (20-13)
Shane McConomy 177lbs#377 (60-51)
Kevin Ryan 175lbs#379 (27-12)
Duane Adams 194lbs#383 (45-38)
Gerard "Wrestling" Campbell 277lbs#385 (12-9)
Skip "Balancing Act" Gosselin 204lbs#446 (10-2)
Gilbert Savard 158lbs#461 (67-54)
Baldric "Stronger" Schindler 184lbs#464 (12-6)
Geraldo Go 153lbs#538 (6-7)
Simon Peterson 189lbs#540 (31-21)
Jake Popham 210lbs#589 (37-20)
Clay "Eats" Thompson 198lbs#634 (27-17)
Frankie "Boxing" Taylor 151lbs#634 (25-17)
Dale Bryant 177lbs#643 (21-15)
Sal Wilson 223lbs#673 (18-14)
Slater Miller 164lbs#692 (45-42)
Yves Anderson 200lbs#697 (48-38)
Heath Herbert 163lbs#721 (20-6)
Stefan "Powerhouse" Gorsky 178lbs#742 (31-36)
Tank Hall 163lbs#831 (29-21)
Lex Griffin 163lbs#878 (33-28)
Phil Hart 208lbs#899 (36-27)
Valerik Shchedrin 200lbs#986 (8-1)
Tyler Phillips 201lbs#1127 (10-3)
Jurg Kuzmin 255lbs#1167 (33-20)
Bob Wiltsie 251lbs#1215 (5-1)
Joey Roberts 262lbs#1251 (10-10)
Dusty Bryant 269lbs#1307 (2-0)
Nonito Flores 255lbs#1402 (6-5)
Caleb Taylor 146lbs#1445 (31-33)
Dick "Lord" Ward 161lbs#1517 (36-34)
Mitch "Burning" Colon 197lbs#1555 (24-26)
Carl Tremblay 192lbs#1570 (5-7)
Hank Peterson 196lbs#1600 (15-11)
Ian Nelson 159lbs#1609 (26-20)
Lawerence "Welk pounded Conway" Twitty 198lbs#1679 (3-1)
Sal Simmons 208lbs#1740 (20-22)
Sal Patterson 206lbs#1977 (17-15)
Jamie "Golden" Richard 205lbs#2019 (1-0)
Buzz "Brawling" Taylor 209lbs#2116 (3-7)
Shawn "Strong Man" Long 209lbs#2145 (3-3)
Roy Johnson 165lbs#2317 (29-28)
Curt "Judo" Stevenson 195lbs#2517 (4-2)
Dusty "Condit" Spencer 209lbs#2860 (5-6)
Zeke "Wrestling" Henderson 203lbs#2870 (4-5)
Morgan Popham 186lbs#3293 (4-5)
Dale 69 168lbs#3442 (3-6)
Corey St-Pierre 154lbs#3461 (5-6)
Cru "Man of Two" Cox 217lbs#3476 (6-12)
Stepka Chernov 270lbs#3844 (10-12)
Calvin Johnson 181lbs#3984 (26-28)
Bo King 271lbs#4288 (3-5)
Bernard "Power" Gautier 191lbs#4462 (5-4)
Grant Patterson 172lbs#4522 (2-0)
Luke Patterson 145lbs#4643 (23-26)
Jamie Lefebvre 188lbs#4735 (2-5)
Luke Fournier 208lbs#5321 (0-3)
Frye Caron 199lbs#6115 (0-3)
Logan Cook 199lbs#6564 (15-17)
Stan Clark 145lbs#7150 (7-9)
Drew Mitchell 163lbs#7767 (0-2)
Mitch Grenier 199lbs#7889 (3-6)
Palmer Bailey 231lbs#8068 (11-15)
Dave 62 156lbs#8276 (0-3)
Kenny Price 232lbs#8539 (2-4)
Reggie Ouellet 167lbs#9239 (3-11)
Dusty Spencer 215lbs#10235 (2-8)
Caleb Reinhold 183lbs#12192 (0-2)