
legend of the US of A Roster

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Active Roster
Glen Bennett 172lbs#608 (7-9)
Lenny Rollins 195lbs#1519 (5-9)
Denny Powell 156lbs#1721 (7-7)
Consuelo Acosta 174lbs#1744 (6-11)
Sidney Cooper 257lbs#2410 (5-10)
Pedro Becker 205lbs#2463 (3-11)
Dan Shamrock 205lbs#2792 (6-13)
Clarence Beck 273lbs#2923 (2-6)
Dylan Barnes 191lbs#3674 (2-1)
Nelson "Economy" McConomy 155lbs#3922 (1-10)
RJ Moore 194lbs#5039 (2-5)
Rip "Studwell" Coleman 241lbs#5223 (5-6)
Heath "The Doctor" Murphy 155lbs#5225 (6-12)
Milo Hamilton 273lbs#5523 (1-2)
Robert "Skip" Wright 174lbs#7803 (12-13)
Will "William" Wilson 234lbs#8284 (6-19)
Kirk "Captain" Wood 178lbs#8355 (0-1)
Frankie "Yellow" Hall 224lbs#8395 (2-13)
Jean Bell 219lbs#8444 (1-3)
Tonio "The Tarantula" Aguilar 191lbs#8932 (0-3)
Cru "The Star Child" Henderson 200lbs#9120 (11-21)
Karl Thomas 179lbs#10468 (1-5)
Mitch Hayes 171lbs#10656 (1-8)
Doug "Gray" Adams 174lbs#10832 (6-12)
Stewart "Fire" Smith 152lbs#11114 (4-19)
Harley Murphy 164lbs#11122 (0-2)
Poncho Herrera 167lbs#11442 (0-4)
Trey Harris 181lbs#11594 (0-4)
Selton Safra 252lbs#11956 (0-2)
Clive "Dreads" Barnes 174lbs#12335 (1-2)
Sid "Spider" Reinhold 200lbs#12557 (3-15)
Dillon "Dill Pickle" Reinhold 170lbs#13411 (1-8)
Rick "Buzzy" Biek 258lbs#13663 (0-1)