
Plead The Fifth Roster

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Active Roster
William "Overly Agressive" Allen 201lbs#9 (38-17)
Mick "The Titan" Hughes 280lbs#25 (24-5)
Jack "Sonic Fuckin Boom" Howard 193lbs#55 (22-7)
Clive "Tinker" Bell 185lbs#94 (8-5)
Koichi "Dishonor Your Family" Matsushina 163lbs#111 (22-5)
Brett "Beethoven" Bryant 171lbs#114 (18-2)
Darren "Interior Decorator" Jones 270lbs#132 (18-15)
Manu "Lambchop" Alvarez 262lbs#139 (35-10)
Dylan "Rascaly Bastard" Mitchell 175lbs#199 (35-24)
Maks "Fabio" Aksyonov 211lbs#227 (17-15)
Roberto "Coach" Vargas 230lbs#249 (11-0)
Hank "Can Not" Reed 231lbs#305 (15-12)
James "Bob Villa" Lundy 207lbs#339 (17-8)
Beau "Truck Nuts" Green 192lbs#340 (20-18)
Adam "Creme Freiche" Torres 205lbs#344 (9-6)
Slavik "The Drunk Bear" Sidorov 210lbs#350 (17-15)
Dory "The Congressman" Nelson 167lbs#371 (44-43)
Nicolas "Fruit Stand" Hernandez 194lbs#381 (10-9)
Gaston "Crepes" Carpentier 191lbs#397 (2-2)
Matthew "Hammerhead" James 154lbs#411 (27-17)
Ramon "Old Black Guy" Mitchell 280lbs#418 (21-8)
Brett "Smokey" Robinson 230lbs#470 (19-18)
Oscarito "Rape Fire" Pereira 170lbs#471 (16-18)
Harry "Big Jerkin" Jenkins 278lbs#476 (15-11)
Louie "Dookie Foot" Lee 192lbs#552 (38-35)
Eiji "Terroryaki" Toyoshima 171lbs#553 (3-1)
Shane "Sieber" Brooks 178lbs#564 (22-9)
Jacob "Jewkakke" Hayes 184lbs#570 (5-8)
Charlie "The Pubic Hammer" Murphy 164lbs#578 (17-14)
Billy "Black Ted Nugent" Morris 187lbs#579 (2-6)
Wayne "Happy Trail" Davis 201lbs#600 (12-4)
Steve "Somewhat Irish" Butler 190lbs#670 (12-2)
Masaki "Sake Bomb" Nakahara 189lbs#703 (14-7)
Claude "Queer Eye " Gray 271lbs#772 (5-10)
Mark "Little Diddler" Elkins 152lbs#794 (3-6)
Darren "Old Hippie" Butler 155lbs#831 (18-10)
Gordon "Ramsey" Green 209lbs#865 (3-1)
Jerry "Golden Boy" Bryant 202lbs#888 (21-11)
Shawn "Jerry Curl" Kelly 223lbs#897 (18-12)
Mauro "Crack Baby" Mendoza 164lbs#1106 (24-12)
Warwick "Comical Nickname" Pinto 172lbs#1118 (32-20)
Masanori "Leg Drop Soup" Gushiken 171lbs#1147 (7-12)
Zack "Bill Clinton" Anderson 191lbs#1161 (1-3)
Ruy "Gooey" Bedemar 214lbs#1234 (8-12)
Henry "Blackrish" Lewis 254lbs#1258 (0-2)
Race "war for Colin" Powell 186lbs#1349 (2-2)
Pete "Nilla Wafer" Bryant 174lbs#1593 (10-3)
Chelo "Chili" Moreno 150lbs#1710 (15-16)
Jacob "Hair Pie" Davis 204lbs#1782 (19-16)
Bubba "The Inbred" King 154lbs#1946 (27-16)
Carlos "Soap Star" Trentini 174lbs#2296 (7-2)
Ty "Die" Elkins 210lbs#2588 (24-16)
Riggs "Extreme Makeover" Rowly 144lbs#2821 (18-12)
Red "Rum" James 195lbs#2833 (18-16)
Bill "Too Tan" White 184lbs#3135 (41-37)
Wayne "Hair Pie Remix" Reinhold 196lbs#3308 (6-5)
Chelo "Do They Hang Low" Flores 185lbs#3616 (7-5)
Soledad "La Pinata" Ramos 182lbs#4006 (3-2)
Lawerence "Motivational Speaker" Patterson 173lbs#4046 (5-2)
Adrian "Tiny Penis" Jenkins 157lbs#4267 (11-8)
Bryce "Sophisticated" Davis 166lbs#4413 (4-4)
Cru "The Penis" Russell 223lbs#4504 (0-1)
Salva "The Spider" Vazquez 200lbs#4802 (9-9)
Brett "Bitch I Will Kill U" Hart 205lbs#5510 (5-4)
Ramon "Silent But Dookie" Popham 149lbs#5659 (12-12)
Jay "not worth the effort" Collins 169lbs#5783 (1-0)
Dustin "Butt Sausage" Gray 191lbs#6751 (1-3)
Caleb "Wishes He Was Sean" Sherk 146lbs#6841 (8-12)
Charito "Con Carne" Gomez 187lbs#6903 (1-4)
Ian "Little Bull" Torres 164lbs#7401 (9-13)
Jamie "Personal Trainer" Barnes 183lbs#7852 (1-0)
Bryce "You Cant Dance Here" Ryan 223lbs#8124 (2-3)
Milo "B Movie" Martin 161lbs#9358 (3-3)
Stu "Angry Smile" Peterson 163lbs#11144 (1-2)
Sal "Shhneaky Shhnake" Clark 133lbs#11178 (11-15)
Curley "Pubes" Kelly 147lbs#11438 (0-1)
Gabe "Probably Gay" Lee 185lbs#11676 (0-1)
Neil "Loves to Knit and" Cook 193lbs#13359 (0-3)
Bob "OG Pillowpants" Gray 164lbs#13650 (1-4)
Charlie "Dat Durty Water" Henderson 153lbs#13910 (1-6)
Dillon "Turd Burglar" Hall 208lbs#14070 (3-5)
Dustin "Up In Your" Butler 145lbs#15070 (0-4)
Justin "Put Yo Ham On Him" McConomy 159lbs#17682 (2-5)
Edwin "Suck My" Peterson 268lbs#17724 (2-4)
Raymond "Noodles" Lee 165lbs#18450 (0-1)
Bo "Holy Shit I Suck" Turner 150lbs#18609 (1-2)
Parker "Midnight" King 147lbs#19077 (0-4)
Jacob "Cockmeat Sandwich" Campbell 198lbs#20076 (0-4)
Sal "Wang In Your Eye" Butler 277lbs#20573 (0-1)
Bo "Grayhawk" Hall 192lbs#20937 (0-4)
Glen "Gang" Green 259lbs#22976 (0-3)