
Cicero Santos - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Well Known
Camp CarvalhoTeam
Record 38-24    
KO Win % 58
Sub Win % 11
Division WW Weight 199 lbs
Age 278 Born Aug 2747
Years Pro 253 Recruit Date Feb 2773
Rank - Highest Rank #46
Retirement Rank #90
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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Who Knew
12-31-2020 5:57 am EST
Next reset* not this reset. You really should give the forums a visit once in a while, I think most camps being ran are aware of your camp. Just letting you know, you can never be too sure when giving an EFC title shot, because, Jesus may be champ next reset and he is pretty good on shots and would break things down for you as well.
Who Knew
12-31-2020 5:54 am EST
Four beats the three. Saw Judo got a high win and is on three himself. If you and Amp win, it'll come to totals the streak adds up to. Meant to say you added up to 1,025. You would need to beat an opponent this reset 374 ranks above his opponent, beat him directly, or get a win and have him miss reset to get the shot this reset. The danger in only sending to one person, is they may not accept. If I was in your situation, I would fight Amp directly and let the cards fall where they may
Who Knew
12-31-2020 5:09 am EST
Saw Smooth Jesus got 4 and cracked the top ten, putting Amp out the way and giving him the shot.
Who Knew
12-31-2020 1:08 am EST
Crazy Camp=650, You= 1,925. Added up the ranks of both your streaks. Letting you know, this is what determined the shot. Lower number wins.