
Carlson "The Real Deal" Pinto - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Regional
Record 70-37    
KO Win % 1
Sub Win % 53
Division HW Weight 277 lbs
Age 1063 Born Feb 1970
Years Pro 1083 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #427
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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4-10-2008 4:51 am EST
You would think my man Jordan Sanders would have learned the first time, guess not.
Matt Woolsey
Systematic Chaos
4-9-2008 11:06 am EST
good fight my friend.. Sky
4-7-2008 7:05 pm EST
Let's rematch that split decision!Rusty
Edd Chang
EZ Gym
4-7-2008 6:29 pm EST
WOW, ducking me again just like the previous champ?
Edd Chang
EZ Gym
4-7-2008 6:16 pm EST
Can we fight already?
Revolution 1
4-7-2008 7:27 am EST
thanks for the shot at your belt. -R.Simmons
Edd Chang
EZ Gym
4-6-2008 9:07 pm EST
Wait just a minute, you need to give Michio a shot at that belt before he retires. It's just bullshit that I haven't gotten a title shot as top contender in like 3 days!
4-6-2008 8:18 pm EST
Thank for the shot.Do you mind giving me a rematch since it was a damn split decision.Rusty Williams
4-6-2008 1:06 pm EST
Atleast if you're not gonna fight #1 contender to your belt don't fight guys ranked in the #5000's.I'm right below you let see if you'll fight a guys near the top because I'm right there.Rusty Williams
Edd Chang
EZ Gym
4-6-2008 11:46 am EST
Hey, what happened to that fight between us.
4-5-2008 11:59 pm EST
The Real Deal is a reference to Evander Holyfield.
Edd Chang
EZ Gym
4-5-2008 9:51 am EST
Also, I have a question. Is the Real Deal a reference to Raymond Daniels in WCL.
Edd Chang
EZ Gym
4-5-2008 9:01 am EST
Wow... the champ ducked both of my guys who are highest ranked to fight you. Fight some real competition and defend your belt against #1 contender Michio Kawashima.