
Vinnie "fuck you" Lewis - Stats

Org    -
Popularity Unknown
Camp ktfo gym
Record 1-3    
KO Win % 0
Sub Win % 0
Division LHW Weight 213 lbs
Age 904 Born May 2132
Years Pro 1086 Recruit Date Dec 1949
Rank - Highest Rank #3660
Retirement Rank -
Fight IQ Desire
Aggression Patience
Wrestling Conditioning
Catch Wrestling Strength
Sambo Footwork
Jiu Jitsu Speed
Judo Agility
Greco-Roman Flexibility
Boxing Balance
Karate Reflex
Taekwondo Rhythm
Muay Thai Coordination
Brawling Focus
Kickboxing Fortitude
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Skyline Enterprises
Domination Tokyo
9-3-2010 5:33 pm EST
Change Vinnie's styke to something more aggresive. If you were wondering the secondary style is the one they switch to when things are goin bad. Make him an aggresive striker and secondarily maybe sprawl and brawl or counter strike-Adam aka Rodrigo Jimenez
Not Applicable 46
V12 Gym
9-2-2010 3:08 pm EST
Hey man Mexico rules man!--Rodrigo Jimenez
ram truks
ktfo gym
9-1-2010 8:49 pm EST
vinnie got his way
ram truks
ktfo gym
8-31-2010 10:07 pm EST
vinnie "fuck you" lewis is a crazy cocky badass who gets laid almost every night. he hopes his job as a fighter will kick off and one day have sex with victoria justice. so he works very hard.