
Filip Medvedev - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  High Kick Killshot Georges Lacroix Slam it Out 3 KO (Stomps) 170 CAGES Oct 2290
  High Kick Killshot Georges Lacroix Slam it Out 3 Split Decision 170 CAGES Aug 2290
  High Kick Killshot Hideaki Okabe Power Locks 3 TKO (Strikes) 170 PAN May 2290
  High Kick Killshot Lucas "Destiny" Clark Counter Strike 1 KO (Hook) 170 PAN Dec 2289
  High Kick Killshot Robert "Robert" Roberts 8 Points of Contact 3 Unanimous Decision 170 PAN Nov 2289
  High Kick Killshot Grant Roberts High Kick Killshot 1 KO (Head Kick) 170 JNS Oct 2289
  High Kick Killshot Shurik Kazakov Lay & Pray 3 KO (Head Kick) 170 JNS Aug 2289
  High Kick Killshot Bill Evans Push the Pace 3 Split Decision 170 JNS May 2289
  High Kick Killshot Matt Walker 8 Points of Contact 3 Unanimous Decision 170 JNS Feb 2289