
Matt "Monk" Cross - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  Pull Guard Mac "Wayne Rooney" Buchanan 8 Points of Contact 1 KO (Knee to the Body) 205 TAJ Sep 2429
  Pull Guard Jere Seppala High Kick Killshot 1 KO (Head Kick) 205 TAJ Jul 2429
  Pull Guard Joshua "MR T" Brown Sprawl & Brawl 3 KO (Punch) 205 TAJ May 2429
  Pull Guard Gulnaz "Fusion" Fiso Power Locks 3 Split Decision 205 TAJ Nov 2428
  Pull Guard Navaro "Cleefus" Lincoln Ground & Pound 1 KO (Hook) 205 GOL Sep 2428
  Pull Guard Luis "Golden Brillo" Rowly 8 Points of Contact 3 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 205 GOL Jun 2428
  Pull Guard Bryan Bailey Ippon 1 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 205 GOL Apr 2428
  Pull Guard Krystian Wojcik Counter Strike 1 KO (Punches) 205 GOL Sep 2427
  Pull Guard Consu "First" Cortez Counter Strike 2 Submission (Omaplata) 205 GOL Mar 2427
  Pull Guard Yasha Orlovsky High Kick Killshot 1 KO (High Kick) 205 P-1 Jan 2427
  Pull Guard Duane Strickland Punches in Bunches 1 KO (Punch) 205 P-1 Nov 2426
  Pull Guard John Campos Top Game Tapout 3 Submission (Flying Armbar) 205 P-1 Sep 2426
  Pull Guard Elvis Edwards Dirty Boxing 1 Submission (Armbar) 205 P-1 Aug 2426
  Pull Guard Joonsuh Chin Power Locks 3 Split Decision 205 P-1 Jul 2426
  Pull Guard Robert Blake Power Locks 3 Submission (Body Triangle) 205 TAJ Jun 2426
  Pull Guard Robert Blake Power Locks 3 Submission (Armbar) 205 TAJ Apr 2426
  Pull Guard Wanderlai Nabuco High Kick Killshot 1 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 205 TAJ Jan 2426
  Pull Guard Sam Riley Ground & Pound 3 TKO (Ref Stoppage) 205 TAJ Nov 2425
  Pull Guard Luther Nelson Chop Down 1 Submission (Triangle Choke) 205 TAJ Oct 2425
  Pull Guard Reece "MMArmys Ugliest" Worthing 8 Points of Contact 2 KO (Upward Elbow Strike) 205 TAJ Sep 2425
  Pull Guard Agapito "El Leopardo" Soto Punches in Bunches 1 TKO (Strikes) 205 TAJ Jul 2425
  Pull Guard Brook "The Dragon" Scott Arrogant Assault 1 KO (Head Kick) 205 TAJ Apr 2425
  Pull Guard Consu "First" Cortez Counter Strike 3 Split Decision 205 XXX Dec 2424
  Pull Guard John "very much a Russian" Henderson Arrogant Assault 3 Split Decision 205 XXX Sep 2424
  Pull Guard Napoleon Adam Arrogant Assault 3 KO (Showtime Kick) 205 XXX Aug 2424
  Pull Guard Bob Kelly Arrogant Assault 2 KO (Roundhouse Kick) 205 XXX Jun 2424