
Bergur Sigurdsson - Record

Title Org Wins

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  Style Opponent Opp Style Round Type Weight Org Date
  Push the Pace Manuel Becker 8 Points of Contact 1 KO (Punch) 185 RR Oct 2436
  8 Points of Contact Ronaldo Perez Power Locks 3 Split Decision 185 TUFF Apr 2435
  8 Points of Contact Yerbolat Sadykov Fast Feet 2 TKO (Punches) 185 RR Jul 2432
  8 Points of Contact Tzabar "The Dane Cook of MA" Schindler MMArtist 1 TKO (Punches) 185 RR May 2432
  8 Points of Contact Maurice Shelton Punches in Bunches 3 Unanimous Decision 185 RR Apr 2432
  8 Points of Contact Masao Ichiyusai High Kick Killshot 3 Submission (Peruvian Necktie) 185 Shaato Feb 2431
  8 Points of Contact Rusty Patterson Swing for the Fences 2 TKO (Punches) 185 Shaato Nov 2430
  8 Points of Contact Filip Andreyev Catch & Shoot 3 Unanimous Decision 185 Shaato Sep 2430
  Run & Gun Andranik Atamian Lay & Pray 3 KO (Hook) 185 Shaato Aug 2430
  Counter Strike Andreas Hermansen Catch & Shoot 2 Submission (Rear Naked Choke) 185 Shaato Jul 2430
  Ippon Aksel Svendsen Run & Gun 3 Unanimous Decision 185 Shaato Apr 2430