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Special Attraction - Legend Fight
Welterweight (170lbs)

Hiroyuki "Lost my hiddens" Kuwabara
Liver Kick Academy
8 Points of Contact
Highest Rank: #2
Record: 56 - 31
Frye "The Phantom" Moore
Robos Dungeon
Ring King
Highest Rank: #3
Record: 71 - 30

Round 1
Frye Moore lands a strong outside leg kick but is hit with a heavy counter hook. "The Phantom" lands a strong outside leg kick but is hit with a heavy counter hook. "Lost my hiddens" lands a double jab. Both fighters trade shots and back away looking for the next opening. Moore throws a push kick. Hiroyuki shucks it and strikes with a overhand that crashes into Fryes nose. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.

Round 2
"The Phantom" unleashes several furious punches at Hiroyuki. "Lost my hiddens" does a good job to circle away from "The Phantom" but becomes too predictable and "The Phantom" lands a switch kick to Hiroyukis ribs. "Lost my hiddens" locks in a tight muay thai clinch and lands several knees to the ribs of Frye Moore. Hiroyuki takes Frye Moores back standing. "The Phantom" isolates an arm to lock a spinning kimura but Hiroyuki lands a sharp shovel punch that forces "The Phantom" to release. "Lost my hiddens" is hit with a hook and a shovel punch and stumbles backward. Frye tries to press the action but is met with a push kick from "Lost my hiddens" that puts him on the floor. Hiroyuki stands over Moore, works his way through his open guard and lands some solid standing punches. Moore is able to grab an arm and pull Hiroyuki into his guard. Two strong elbows from "Lost my hiddens" dazes Frye. "Lost my hiddens" transitions into side control. "Lost my hiddens" throws his knee into the ribs of "The Phantom". Hiroyuki throws his knee into the ribs of Frye. Round 2 is finished.

Round 3
Both fighters begin to exchange Hiroyuki Kuwabara catches Moore with an eye poke. The referee calls time and lets Moore gather himself. Moore says he is ok and the fight continues. Frye lands a strong outside leg kick but is hit with a heavy counter hook. Frye Moore attempts to clinch, but "Lost my hiddens" connects with an uppercut to the jaw. Round 3 comes to a close.

Round 4
"Lost my hiddens" grabs the plum and lands a strong elbow to the head of Frye Moore. Kuwabara turns slightly and fires an upward elbow rocking "The Phantom". Hiroyuki locks in a tight muay thai clinch and lands several knees to the ribs of Frye Moore. Kuwabara grabs the plum and pulls Frye Moores face towards a powerful knee which is blocked. Kuwabara lets go of the hold and lands a hook. "The Phantom" is sent crashing to the mat by a powerful right hook. Hiroyuki stands over "The Phantom", works his way through his open guard and lands some solid standing punches. "The Phantom" cannot trap him in his guard and pushes him away instead. The round comes to an end.

Round 5
Frye Moore connects with a sweeping kick at the leg of "Lost my hiddens". Frye Moore is struck by some looping punches and kicks and goes for the clinch to shorten the distance. Hiroyuki Kuwabara welcomes the clinch landing a lead knee and a powerful elbow. Then pushes Frye Moore back to striking distance. Frye Moore lands a strong outside leg kick but is hit with a heavy counter hook. Hiroyuki Kuwabara hits a hard jab but misses with the follow up straight. Both fighters trade glancing shots continuing to find their respective range. Both fighters begin to exchange Kuwabara catches Frye with an eye poke. The referee calls time and lets Frye gather himself. Frye says he is ok and the fight continues. "Lost my hiddens" buckles from a leg kick. "The Phantom" preses the action forcing the ref to stop the fight.

Frye "The Phantom" Moore wins by TKO (Ref Stoppage)