Round 1 Reggie is met with a hook cross combo that staggers him. Vasquez explodes with a flurry of punches. Reggie is then thrown to the floor. Vico Vasquez drops a huge strike to Reggie Campbells chin, landing into his guard. A strong chopping strike hits Vico Vasquez across the face. Vico Vasquez lands a series of return strikes. Reggie Campbell attempts a few a shots from the guard, but gets mounted for his troubles. Vico Vasquez maintains mount but laying some well timed strikes. Reggie Campbell gives his back up trying to escape the mount. Vico Vasquez lands a series of heavy punches forcing Campbell to roll to his back, giving Vico Vasquez mount. Vico Vasquez punishes Reggie with a series of strikes from the mount. Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 Vasquez snaps back the head of Reggie with a stiff jab. Vasquez circles Campbell, mixing jabs and leg kicks. Reggie Campbell ducks under a loopy hoop, taking Vico Vasquez to the mat, and his back. Reggie Campbell lands a series of heavy punches forcing Vasquez to roll to his back, giving Reggie Campbell mount. Vico Vasquez shifts his head and hips to keep Reggie Campbell off balance and unable to land strikes. Reggie swings his leg over locking in a textbook armbar. "The Victor" taps out.