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Extreme Fighting Championship
Lightweight (155lbs)

Deividas Venskus
BH Sluggers
Slam it Out
Age: 27
Record: 21 - 10
Ranking: 0
Walt Smith
Team RO
Counter Strike
Age: 29
Record: 57 - 29
Ranking: 0

Round 1
Walt Smith lands a double jab. Venskus parries a jab but leaves himself open for an uppercut. Venskus throws a few jabs at Walt that miss the mark. Deividas Venskus connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. Round 1 is over.

Round 2
Smith lands a double jab. Walt connects with jab cross combination. Deividas shoots in and grabs a single leg. Smith hops on one leg and defends the takedown. While on one leg, he leaps into the air and lands his apposing knee forcing Deividas to release the attempt. Deividas is hit with a stiff double jab and stumbles to the mat, rolling to his back. The bell signals the end of round 2.

Round 3
Walt throws a crisp jab, but Deividas slips it and moves in for the clinch. Walt tries to break away from the clinch to no avail. Deividas has him on lockdown, peppering him with stiff shots. Smith fakes a shot attempt from the clinch, opening Deividas up for a flurry of hooks. Walt Smith takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. Walt Smith connects with a hard punch making Deividas Venskus bring him in to a tight clinch. Smith works the clinch to his advantage, carefully connecting with precise strikes. Walt Smith works to Deividass back while standing. Walt Smith throws a couple of outside shots until Deividas Venskus is able to work his way back to the clinch. Walt attempts to grab the plum but is kept off balance by Deividas Venskuss strikes. The bell signals the end of round 3.

Deividas Venskus wins by Split Decision