Round 1 Doc grabs for a clinch but Agapito grazes him with an uppercut. Doc staggers back, then surprises Agapito with a powerful superman punch. Roy grabs for a clinch but Agapito grazes him with an uppercut. Roy staggers back, then surprises Agapito with a powerful superman punch. Doc Roy dives in for a takedown but the momentum of the attempt ends in a scramble back to their feet. "Halladay" reaches down and trips Agapito with a beautiful ankle pick. "Halladay" dives into back control. Agapito tries to stand up but Roy plants him back down with several strikes. "Halladay" slides to the side and spanks the butt of Agapito in a sign of disrespect. The crowd laughs uncontrollably. Round 1 is finished.
Round 2 Doc Roy hits an uppercut to the head of Agapito Vega followed by a hard hook. A jab from Agapito Vega is blocked and a cross is returned by Doc Roy. Roy lands a double jab. Agapito gets hit with a strong punch, putting him to the mat, but he recovers just in time to give up his back. "Halladay" is working a furious pace on Vega, intermingling strikes with positional dominance at will. Agapito starts to wiggle out of back control, Doc Roy lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Round 2 is finished.
Round 3 "Halladay" executes a single leg giving him the back of "The Color Wheel". Doc executes a double hand slap to the ears of "The Color Wheel". Vega starts to wiggle out of back control, "Halladay" lets him escape putting them both on their feet. "Halladay" shoots in for a takedown but the attempt is stuffed by Vega. "Halladay" sneaks a foot behind Vegas leg and takes him to the mat, landing in side control. Roy attempts an armbar, but "The Color Wheel" stops the attempt. Roy uses the oppurtunity to take mount. Doc lands a double punch to the head of Agapito. Roy secures his position. The bell signals the end of round 3.